Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Uppie, Uppie - Kids say the darndest things!

So the other day my adorable little girl Madison who is 2 1/2 years old walked in on me getting dressed. At that point I was putting my bra on.

She looked at me and asked "Mama, what you doing?"

I said "I'm putting my bra on."

She looked with gazing eyes and said " You putting your bra on?"

I said "Ya."

She was watching me very intensely and was taking it all in. Just as I was pulling the straps up these cute little words came out of her cute little mouth..."Oh...Uppie, Uppie!" It wes as if she just got it...the bra puts the boobies up so their not a saggin. I was laughing so hard and said "Ya, I guess it puts them uppie uppie."

My 2 1/2 year old just pointed out the fact that my boobs were a saggin and it totally made my day. I must have one powerful bra. Thanks Madi for giving me a reality check every once and a while. Love ya girl!


Little G said...
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Little G said...

That's a funny story Aunt Heather. Tell Madi "Hello" for me.