Monday, August 10, 2009

My $205.50 Swimming Pool Adventure

The other day we all decided to take Madi swimming. There was a bunch of us, Kathy, Amanda, Quortnie, Stephanie, Darin, Madi and I. Well everyone knows that I keep my iPhone in the girls...(in my bra for those of you who are a little slow).

On my way to pick everyone up I kept telling each person "Ok now, I can't forget to get my phone out before we get in the pool." I bet I said that no less than 10 times.

So we get to the pool and get all of our gear ready, towels out on the lawn, chairs set up, madi sunscreen on, cover up on and a way we go. So we walk out into the pool and it is a little cold at first but if you dunk in really fast then it warms up. So I dunk in and i bet I was in there for about 5-7 minutes before I realized OH SHIT!!! It just dawned on me that I didn't get my phone out of the girls. It was still in the girls and they were under water.There was nothing I could do at that point so I just said oh well maybe it will dry out.

We had a blast swimming!!! Even if it did cost me $205.50.

Swimming - $5.50

New iPhone - $200.00

Spending time with those I adore - Priceless

Thanks VISA!!!


1 comment:

Little G said...

Awesome. You posted like everyday a week in a row. I haven't done that in forever.