When ever you get a card in the mail don't you just feel so special? Wouldn't you just love to pass that feeling onto some one else? Well here is a way easy card to send to that someone special just to say hello.
All you simply do is take a 12 X 12 piece of paper and cut in 3 1/2 inch lengths.
Then you fold it not quite in half
Then either fold down the shortest length about an inch or tear off the paper about an inch.
Staple the sides together.
Cut another coordinating piece to fit inside the stapled piece of paper.
Finally decorate it and mail it out to that someone special.
Here is what I came up with. I would like to see what you came up with too. Just leave a comment with your blog address and I will go check it out.
When ever you can make a matching envelope by stamping the same thing on the card as you did the card.
- Hello Card and envelope
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