So, Madi turns 2 on Sunday and I have absolutely no idea where this time went. It was like yesterday that I was snuggling with her tiny little body wrapped in a blanket. Now she is the one to bring me a blanket and want to snuggle.
She may be turning 2 but she looks like she is 3. Everywhere we go she is mistaken for a 3 year old because she is so tall. She is about an inch taller than the 3 year old kids at her daycare. She holds her own though. She is wearing 4T clothing already. Yikes!!! Being tall is awesome though. She will love it!
Oh, about speaking Spanish, while her dad was in China she spent an evening with her Auntie Syd and Cousin Carly, (thank you guys very much) well, they taught her to say "hola". Yesterday everywhere we went she was saying "hola" to everyone while we were out shopping and eating lunch. Oh boy!!! She wouldn't say it quiet was at the top of her lungs..."HOLA". Thanks Syd & Carly for that one.